Kitchen Design Trends to Look for in 2020
MODERN FARMHOUSE KITCHEN: Elegance made comfortable and transitional to complement the style of your home. Soft creams and greys, warm...

Tips on Avoiding Scam Contractors.. Skip "Chuck in a Truck"
When you’re ready to pull the trigger on that big home remodel project and you’ve scrimped and saved to make sure you really get to do it...

4 Useful Benefits of Building Permits
A building permit is a great tool for a homeowner to have. It ensures safety, adds value, keeps a contractor honest, and provides a built-in

11 Tips to Avoid Common Contractor Scams
Contractor scams are unfortunate, unethical, and they make all contractors look bad. But, they occur. So, in order to better equip homeowner

3 Amazing Advantages from Scheduling an Estimate During the Holiday Season
Did you know that the holiday season is the best time of the year to schedule an estimate with a contractor for your remodeling project? Fin

15 Signs of a Bad Contractor
You want to start a home improvement project, and you need to hire a contractor, but you don't want to hire a bad contractor. But, how d

4 Questions to Answer Before Starting Your Basement Remodel
Are you considering remodeling your basement? Do you know which questions to ask? Get prepared and find out what are the 4 Questions to Answ