Top 3 Reasons Why Spring is the Best Time to Build Your Deck!
What do you think of when you think of warm summer nights? Does it include relaxing outdoors, maybe with friends? A backyard BBQ or...

Color Choice and Your Long Lasting Low Maintenance Composite Deck
So you’ve decided to build a new deck, or reface your aging deck, with low maintenance composite deck boards! Now, what color(s) should...

4 Things a Composite Deck WILL and WILL NOT Do!
A composite deck WILL beautifully withstand years of sun, sleet & snow! A treated lumber deck will require regular, costly maintenance...

5 Details to Consider When Designing your New Deck
There are several ways to make your new backyard deck great for entertaining, but what to do if you really want the wow factor? Here are...

Low Voltage Lighting Adds Warmth to Your Composite Deck
There are 2 main types of lighting that are commonly used on decks. Low-voltage lighting and Solar lighting. Low-voltage lighting is...

4 Tips for the DIY Kitchen Remodeler
Let's begin with what type of cabinets you want to buy. Cabinets which come fully assembled will cost more, but they usually have a...

3 Qualities to Look for When Choosing a Kitchen Designer
Remodeling your kitchen can be a fun and exciting upgrade to your home. It can also be expensive, so you want to be sure your Kitchen...

3 Reasons Fall is a Great Time for a Kitchen Remodel
Late Summer through early fall is an ideal time for your kitchen remodel! From ideal weather to better deals, August through mid October...

The Pros & Cons of a Pressure Treated Wood Deck
It's springtime; the sun is going down later, the birds are flying coming back, and the trees are beginning to bloom. What does that mea

4 Great Projects for Your Tax Refund
It's tax season and you will be receiving a refund soon. Why not use the additional income to update your home? Find out about 4 great p